Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Becoming Well Rounded

So lately I've been such a BAD blogger for writing!  I've been trying to figure out what to cover for my next writing group meeting next Wednesday night, doing things for church, reading like crazy, crocheting, baking (you know, all that mommy/wifey stuff) and really really trying to get back into shape. 

So what's been taking the beating while I've been doing everything else?

My writing!

I've been reading through my stuff, but none of it seems to be "clicking" with me at the moment.  Yes, I've been lazy too, but the laziness is attributed to a sinus infection/cold that I've had for the past two weeks and am now getting over.  My energy is rebuilding.

The good news is:

When I am stories start to churn.  My mind says, "what about this?  what about that?"  So hopefully I can really get into gear and get writing again soon.

Oh, and I posted a comment in my last post on the blog award--I only had one guess, but the truth is #3.  I did learn to skate backwards and a couple little stances and turns on the ice rink with my church's youth group back when I was 14 or 15 years old.  Loved it and I always look at the ice rinks or figure skaters and still want to learn how to do that!  Maybe one year when I get back into dance and ballet that I can also take up skating. We'll see.

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